Information is power. Today, you can access any information you want with the click of a mouse and an internet connection. This technology has opened a lot of doors for data collection, especially for businesses who need to understand how their performance is affecting customer service. Call centers are a great example of a business that can benefit from this type of data and analytics. One way to incorporate data into your call center is by implementing a quality assurance (QA) program.
Quality assurance is essential to a successful contact center. QA reporting relies on providing the right kind of information to the right person. Managers and Quality Assurance specialists are responsible for operations, ensuring all customers get a great experience. Managers must report on this quality to ensure consistency and pick up on any issues. These are called quality assurance reports, and they are the golden ticket to understanding the nuances of your call center.
Are you ready to learn how to get your call center quality assurance report done right the first time? This blog will teach you everything you need to know about call center quality assurance reports.
Quality Assurance Reports
What is a QA report? These vital reports analyze the performance of your call center. Dynamic reports track the internal processes, performance metrics, and best practices in your contact center. A valuable training and onboarding tool, QA reports point to possible errors or process gaps and give actionable insights. But as valuable as these reports are, they can only highlight the issues that need to be addressed. It’s up to managers to decide how and when to escalate.

What’s the Purpose of a QA report?
There are different types of QA reports in contact centers, each with its own specific purpose and goal. These reports can be tailored to your call center’s specific goals and capabilities. Some examples of QA reports include:
- Agent Failure Report. Everybody makes mistakes. An Agent Failure Report can help you streamline your call center by highlighting any recurring issues. This is important because only one in five customers will forgive a poor experience if the customer service is “very poor.” An Agent Failure Report can help you fine-tune your training processes, which will improve customer feedback.
- Agent Activity Report. An Agent Activity Report provides a chronological overview of all the agent’s activities throughout the workday, including active time, inbound and outbound calls, and time-stamped login and logoff details.
- Call Detail Reports. This report analyzes the number of calls that came in during a specific period of time. This report includes the agent that handled the call, the date and time, how long the call took, and how the call was recorded into the system.
- Call Transfer Report. True to its name, the Call Transfer Report details what destination number each incoming call was sent to during a specific time. Understanding a Call Transfer Report can highlight if calls are being sent to the wrong destinations. This in turn helps you improve training and coaching procedures.
- Response Time Reports. Leaving customers on hold can be devastating for a business, and for the customer's experience. 28% of customers would rather be called back than put on hold. While 60% feel that being left on hold for 60 seconds is far too long. A Response Time Report gets to the root cause of why agents might be leaving customers on hold.
Why is a Quality Assurance Report Important?
Quality assurance reports are the keys to improving your customer service standards in your contact center. Without the data collected in these reports, you cannot understand your call center agent’s strengths and weaknesses, nor can you make the necessary changes to improve your processes. When used to their full ability, quality assurance reports can:
- Improve your communication processes

The Nuts and Bolts of a Quality Assurance Report
Analyzing your quality assurance report can seem overwhelming. But don’t worry. As long as you stick to the following steps, you will quickly understand how to harness the power of the data inside these reports. Here are some things to keep in mind as you build out your quality assurance report:
- Establish your goals and KPIs. At the outset, specify the goals you want to achieve with your QA report. Focus your QA report on business-driven metrics, like Lifetime Customer Value or Customer Retention Numbers. Call center key performance indicators (KPIs) will help you understand how your agents are performing, as well as help you pinpoint areas that need focus or improvement.
- Outline your quality parameters. Call centers that establish quality parameters will find it much easier to raise customer satisfaction rates and stand out from the competition. As a result, quality parameters are incredibly important to add to your QA report. Make sure these are quantifiable and measurable, and realistic to your call center’s capabilities.
- Explain your findings. Once you gather all that important data, you need to present it in as clear a manner as possible. Depending on the type of report, you can present it as a chart or graph. Either way, make sure your QA report specifies the results of your analysis.
- Provide an actionable conclusion. Once you have collected your data and analyzed the results, you need to think about how you will incorporate this into process improvement. What will you do once you have the results? How will you proceed? What changes will you need to make throughout the call center?
- Conduct quality audits regularly. Regularly reviewing your QA processes maximizes your long-term ability to identify issues, strengths, and opportunities for improvement. When you conduct consistent quality audits you will have:
- Comparable monthly and yearly data for long and short-term monitoring
- All the QA information in one easily accessible platform
- The ability to bring in call center agents and involve them in the improvement process
Scorebuddy’s QA Reports
Scorebuddy offers extensive QA reports in our QA platform. These reports enable managers to filter metrics, by QA fields, teams or individual agents. But most importantly, it provides a comprehensive QA report, giving you an overview of the entire contact center. Insights are actionable and tangible, based on data instead of opinion. When you understand this data, you can develop sustainable, long-term plans that will make your call center successful.

The Bottom Line
Information is power. And with Scorebuddy’s QA reports, you can harness these powerful analytics to create long-term process improvement in your call center. There has never been a better time to set your call center up for success. Book a demo to find out how Scorebuddy’s QA reports can help your team and your business today.