
    How to Improve Your Quality Customer Experience

    Customer service teams are often the face of your company. Responsible for all direct personal contact with your customers, customer service is essential to the customer experience.

    The skill and quality of the support your customer service team provides can either make or break your brand. In fact, according to Microsoft, 96% of consumers around the world say that customer service is an essential factor in their choice of loyalty to a brand.

    Want to see how Scorebuddy can help you improve brand loyalty? Try a free 30 day trial now

    Just one bad customer service experience at any point in the customer lifecycle can ruin the relationship for one in three customers, reveals American Express. That’s why customer service management software is so essential.


    Why You Need Customer Service Management Software

    In addition to making sure your team demonstrates the right skills for a positive call center customer experience, you also need to make sure those skills are consistently demonstrated. Customer service management software allows your agents to personally engage with customers across multiple channels for a better overall customer experience.

    Customer Service Management Software also helps improve the productivity and profitability of your customer service team in order to meet your company’s goals of customer acquisition and retention. It does this through various features that monitor and review employee performance through the lens of the customer and the employee.

    The goal: to ensure seamless and positive customer interactions.

    The key is to ensure that your customer service management software supports customer service excellence at all levels; from first call resolution to final purchase and beyond. For that, you need software that has the right features and works beyond transactions to focus on better overall customer satisfaction.

    Boost Customer Experience with Scorebuddy

    The Advantages of Scorebuddy

    Scorebuddy is quality assurance and customer service management solution for scoring customer service calls, emails and web chat. It is a dedicated, stand-alone scoring system based in the cloud, requiring no integration. It provides the tools and technology to help your organization improve customer experience, one interaction at a time.

    1. Scorecard Builder 

    The Scorecard Builder offers a simple and easy way to evaluate phone calls, emails, chats, social media responses, and any type of complaint handling or other customer interaction.

    You can set up as many scorecards as you like, browsing the library of templates to get started, and use a mix of scoring options to rate your customer service team. Standard numeric, blind scoring, non-numeric, and holistic scorecards are all available to meet your needs.

    The idea is to provide your customer service team with a detailed analysis of every customer experience recorded. From there, you can determine what makes a positive and negative experience and how it impacts your bottom line, which is where analytics comes into play.

    2. Analytics

    A key to call center quality assurance is the ability to monitor agent customer interactions. Scorebuddy makes it easy to monitor the quality of all your customer service interactions, and then use that information to spot trends and exceptions so you can manage, coach, and improve.

    Over 30 reports are available to help you dig deep into your call center’s quality assurance scores. From there, you can carry out root-cause analysis to identify common pitfalls, training gaps, and broken processes. You can also find good actors, who you can then award to improve productivity, engagement, and employee retention.

    3. Agent Management

    Keep track of and engage all of your agents in a meaningful way through the interactive Scorebuddy dashboard. By offering transparency, the agent dashboard inspires your team to be more engaged and take charge of each interaction.

    It does this by providing each agent with a quality score as well as coaching tips from evaluators. And each team leader has their own dashboard to keep a watch over every agent under their purview, empowering them to endless improve the customer experience.

    4. Easy Integrations

    Scorebuddy can be used alone or integrated with your CRM system. This integration increases the ease-of-use of the software by allowing you to keep everything in one place.

    The Scorebuddy and Salesforce connector helps you streamline your QA evaluations through your Salesforce login. Once there, you can create a list of cases or objects to be scored and view cases side-by-side with the scorecard. This helps you immediately connect customers with their interactions, so your customer service and sales teams know what’s happened throughout the customer lifecycle.

    The Zendesk API connection streamlines your QA evaluations, so you can score cases or tickets side-by-side with the scorecard. You can also use filters to create lists for scoring and assign evaluators in real time. All of which empowers your customer service team to ensure a quality customer experience with every interaction.

    Get Your Free Trial

    The Direct Impact of Scorebuddy on Customer Experience

    When Dimensional Research asked consumers what impacted their level of trust with a company the most, they discovered that offering excellent customer service ranked number one.

    Scorebuddy simplifies your customer service management so you can offer the experience your customers want.

    This ultimately results in:

    • Customers who spend more money: Americans will pay 17% more to do business with firms with great customer service reputations.
    • Additional purchases: 52% of consumers have made an additional purchase from a company after a positive customer service experience.
    • Better customer retention: A friendly and memorable customer experience causes 72% of consumers to stick with a brand.
    • Increased revenue: Companies that excel at the customer experience drive revenues 4% to 8% higher.

    Book a free 30-day trial of Scorebuddy’s solution today!


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