
    Top 10 Customer Service Books You Must Read!

    You can learn many things by working in customer service. However, sometimes, it is faster to learn from an expert. After years of experience and research, you can take their learnings and use them in your workflow. This article gathered the top ten customer service books that people in the industry must-read to learn from the experts. So let us get to them.

    1. Delivering Happiness 

    The book's basic concept is that happiness may be delivered as a business by living a life of passion and purpose.

    The book's author, Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos Inc., is an American entrepreneur and venture capitalist.

    When Delivering Happiness was launched in 2010, the book took the first spot on the New York Times Best Seller List.

    Hsieh has since been branded as an authority in customer service and organizational culture.

    Delivering Happiness tells the tale of Tony Hsieh and his company Zappos, demonstrating how thinking long term and pursuing passions can lead to profits and happier life for everyone.

    The book offers a different perspective on corporate culture, focusing on the basic principle of making others happy while also boosting happiness in life.

    Hsieh is known as a powerful Twitter user who has amassed a large following and is known for using the site to communicate with consumers, partners, and staff

    2. The Thank You Economy 

    According to Gary Vaynerchuk, the author of The Thank You Economy, anyone who does not emphasize customers and the customer experience is making a significant mistake.

    This book emphasizes leveraging technology to understand customers better and provide a personalized experience.

    The concept of this book focuses on not just a generic "thank you," but also one that recognizes who the best customers are and how to thank them.

    Vaynerchuk backs up his words with action. His best customers have always been appreciated and rewarded at his multimillion-dollar wine shop. That was good business before the introduction of social media.

    It resulted in repeat business and positive word-of-mouth, but it is necessary for the age of Twitter, Facebook, and blogs.

    Positive voices are amplified through social media technologies, but wrong opinions are amplified even more.

    Businesses that do not pay attention to their customers, as Gary stated on MSNBC, would suffer the same fate as Borders and Blockbuster. So the Startup Economy is all about social media ROI, for better or worse.


    3. Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers 


    Marketing is a waste of money and time if it does not provide exceptional customer service.

    Hug Your Haters, a book by Jay Baer, teaches readers how to embrace criticism and use it to enhance their businesses and retain customers.

    This book was one of Strategy+Business Magazine's top customer service books of 2016 that revolutionizes how you think about customer service and marketing.

    The growing use of social media on smartphones has dramatically changed the science of complaints.

    Haters of organizations can now express their dissatisfaction in seconds, in public, and without causing interpersonal conflict.

    This trend has resulted in a rise in complaints and a belief among businesses that they should "choose their spots" when replying to critics. However, hug Your Haters demonstrates that this is an expensive mistake.

    Jay Baer is the founder of Convince & Convert, a Hall of Fame keynote speaker and emcee, host of the award-winning Social Pros podcast, and author of six bestseller books.


    4. The Effortless Experience: Conquering the New Battleground for Customer Loyalty 

    Instead of tossing out theories and platitudes, Toman and Delisi, authors of this book, provide dozens of practical tips in this book.

    There is an art to customer service, and there is also a science, and "The Effortless Experience" provides testable and repeatable ways to improve the essential function of any business.

    The notion that businesses must delight customers by exceeding service standards is so ingrained in executives' minds that they rarely examine it.

    They spend a lot of money, time, and energy trying to impress people and win their unwavering loyalty.

    However, CEB's five-year study with tens of thousands of participants shows that the "dazzle factor" is vastly overestimated; it simply does not predict repeat sales, wallet share, or favorable word-of-mouth.

    The truth is that a company's loyalty is determined by how well it keeps its fundamental commitments and solves day-to-day difficulties, not by how exceptional its customer service experience is.

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    5. The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence: The Handbook for Becoming the "Nordstrom" of Your Industry

    This book is not a guide to selling shoes, cosmetics, or jewelry. Instead, it is about how fundamental values like trust, respect, and even fun are the foundations of a culture that continuously empowers employees.

    Patrick D. McCarthy and Robert Spector, the writers of this updated version of the management classic, delve into the culture's fundamental ideals that have made Nordstrom associated with extraordinary customer service.

    Since 1901, these core beliefs have allowed Nordstrom to constantly thrive and adapt to market fluctuations.

    The customer experience, according to Nordstrom, is determined by the staff experience.

    Everyone benefits personally and collectively when you attract and reward people who thrive in a service-oriented culture.

    The book, which includes new interviews with senior Nordstrom employees and family members, demonstrates how to appropriately adapt to today's tech-savvy, time-crunched customers.

    The authors demonstrate how to build brand loyalty, lead through change and uncertainty, and integrate exceptional offline and online experiences.


    6. Chief Customer Officer 2.0: How to Build Your Customer-Driven Growth Engine 

    Chief Customer Officer 2.0 is one of the best customer service books that provides you with a framework for launching and advancing customer experience transformation in business.

    This book is written by Jeanne Bliss and follows the five-competency model she uses to coach the C-Suite and Chief Customer Officers.

    • Manage and Honor Customers as Assets
    • Align Around Experience
    • Build a Customer Listening Path
    • Proactive Experience Reliability and Innovation
    • One Company Accountability, Leadership & Decision Making

    With a united leadership team, Chief Customer Officer 2.0 will move you into action swiftly and shift your company's intention to earning the right to growth by enhancing customers' lives.

    Jeanne Bliss bravely provides her leadership' recipe cards' and tools for guiding and assisting business transformation.

    This book is one of the top customer service books that includes over forty tales of actions by Customer Leadership Executives worldwide.


    7. The Cult of the Customer: Create an Amazing Customer Experience That Turns Satisfied Customers Into Customer Evangelists

    In this book, Shep Hyken suggests building a business culture focused on caring for and ministering to employees and customers that it produces Evangelists by itself.

    Customer evangelists are unique individuals that go above and above to tell the world how fantastic you and your organization are.

    They are precisely the type of advocates you want to foster in your company's culture. That is the outcome of The Customer Cult.

    Many firms have succeeded in creating a culture that reaches this level, a culture based on the concept of awe.

    In this book, the author tells you about experiences, explains how they created The Cult of the Customer, and show you how you can do the same.


    8. What Customers Crave: How to Create Relevant and Memorable Experiences at Every Touchpoint 

    How do you understand your customers? The world's finest firms figure out what their customers want and then give it in memorable and highly human ways.

    Author Nicholas Webb says some things about customer experience: "Let's face it: Today, most customer experience programs are a disaster."

    What Customers Crave looks at how the hyper-connected economy transforms customer expectations and what businesses can do to stay ahead.

    What Customers Crave is jam-packed with ideas and examples to help you reimagine how you interact with customers and:

    • Have a more reasonable sense of who they are and what they care about;
    • To refine client kinds, use listening posts and Contact Point Innovation;
    • Engineer experiences that are amazing and insanely applicable for each local market;
    • Connect across the five most essential touchpoints;
    • Collaboration with your consumers.

    When you learn to provide customers with precisely what they want, they not only buy, they come back repeatedly and bring their friends.


    9. Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service 

    Walt Disney is known for creating magical customer experiences. This magic has made Disney one of the largest media companies in the world.

    Behind the magic is a guiding ideal called Quality Service. Disney trains every one of its employees to deliver Quality Service.

    Quality Service means exceeding customer expectations by attending to every detail of product and service delivery.

    The Quality Service Compass is a model company can use to create a shared understanding of how Quality Service will be accomplished.

    The model discussed in this book helps companies identify a common purpose and articulate service standards that shape how employees, physical assets, and processes are used to deliver service.

    Be Our Guest by Disney Institute and Theodore Kinni is one of the best customer service books that outlines the company's approach to customer service.

    This book provides numerous examples of effective customer service at this company and organizations participating in Disney Institute training to illustrate Disney's best practices in action.


    10. Uncommon Service: How to Win by Putting Customers at the Core of Your Business 

    Customer service is not a secondary consideration; instead, it must be built into the business strategy to give consistently good service.

    Authors Frances Frei and Anne Morriss argue in their book Uncommon Service that exceptional service may be "made practicable and profitable by establishing a system that allows everyone to succeed.

    Nobody can be great at everything, and those who try usually are average. As a result, management must decide what to be awful at to optimize for the "operational segments" that their target market values most.

    To help visualize this concept, the authors of customer service books give attribute maps. It is a waste of money for a corporation to excel in traits that clients do not care about.

    When a company's attribute map is highly similar to its competitors, it must differentiate itself, a basic positioning principle.

    Frei and Morriss outline four methods for funding exceptional service. Employee management, company culture, and growth are also discussed. It is a well-written book with great insights from a variety of companies.

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